Website Fame

The Guildtag platform runs on fame. You can help support this website by donating fame you have earned.

Fame is earned by participating on Guildtag Social and on your website, purchasing fame, or becoming a patron.

The cost for Premium websites 200 fame per day (~6,000 fame per month).

{{}} Website Fame Stats

Website Fame Earned
Website Fame Spent
{{(websiteStats.fameEarned - websiteStats.fameSpent).toLocaleString()}}
Website Fame Available

Purchase Fame with Paypal

Fame is applied directly to your account as Social Fame, which can then be donated to websites to enable Premium features.

6,000 Fame
(30 days Premium)
18,000 Fame
(90 days Premium)
Save 12%
36,000 Fame
(180 days Premium)
Save 25%
72,000 Fame
(360 days Premium)
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Top Fame Donors for this Website


Lifetime Website Fame Earned
